Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Against Same Sex Marriage Essay

The legalization of the marriage between same sex couples will permanently change the rite of marriage in our society. The legalization of homosexual marriage will quickly destroy the traditional family. Marriage is the institution that forms and upholds for society, the cultural and social values and symbol related to procreation. That is, it establishes the values that govern the transmission of human life to the next generation and the nurturing of that life in the basic societal unit, the family. Through marriage our society works out the relationship of two people who will together create and nurture a new generation. To change the definition of marriage to include same sex marriage couples would destroy its capacity to function in many ways. It could no longer represent procreative relationships of opposite sex marriages.Reproduction is the fundamental occurrence on which the future of life depends. It is the primary reason why marriage is so important to society. In same sex marriages procreation would be eliminated entirely. First, when the state sanctions homosexual relationships and gives them its blessing, the younger generation becomes confused about sexual identity and quickly loses its understanding of lifelong commitments, emotional bonding, sexual purity, the role of children in a family, and from spiritual prospective, the sanctity of marriage. Marriage is reduced to a partnership that provides attractive benefits and sexual convenience. Cohabitation and short term relationships are the inevitable result. Second, the introduction of legalized gay marriages will lead to polygamy and other alternatives to the one man, on woman unions. Why will gay marriage set the table for polygamy? Because there is no place to stop once the line has been crossed. Historically, the definition of marriage has rested on a foundation of tradition, legal precedent, theology, and the overwhelming support of the people. After the introduction of marriage between homosexuals it will be supported by nothing more substantiated than the opinion of a single judge or by a black-robed panel of justices (Marriage under Fire). After their decision, the family will consist of little more than someone’s interpretation of rights. Given that unstable legal judgment, it is certain some self-possessed judge, somewhere, will soon rule that three men or three women can marry. How about group marriage or marriage between cousins, or marriage between parent and child? How about marriage between a man and his animal? Anything allegedly linked to civil rights will be doable. The legal underpinnings for marriage will have been destroyed. These other couples restricted from marrying are not equivalent to homosexual couples, but are necessary to illustrate that marriage is heavily regulated, and for good reason. When a state recognizes a marriage, it bestows upon the couple certain benefits which are costly to both the state and other individuals. Collecting a deceased spouse’s social security, claiming an extra tax exemption for a spouse, and having the right to be covered under a spouse’s health insurance policy are just a few examples of its costly benefits associated with marriage. In a sense, a married couple receives a subsidy. A marriage between two unrelated heterosexuals is likely to result in a family with children. For this reason, states have, in varying degrees, restricted from marriage, couples unlikely to produce children. One may argue that lesbians are capable of procreating via artificial insemination, so the state does have an interest in recognizing lesbian marriages, but a lesbian’s sexual relationship, committed or not, has no bearing on her ability to reproduce (Single Parent: What Helps, What Hurts). However, there is ample evidence that children need both female and male parent for proper development. It is essential for a child to be nurtured by parents of both sexes if a child is to learn to function in a society made up of both sexes (Life without Father). With the legalization of homosexual marriage, every public school in the nation will be required to teach that this lifestyle is the moral equivalent of traditional marriage between a woman and a man. Textbooks, even in conservative states, will have to depict man/man and woman/woman relationships and stories written for children as young as elementary or even kindergarten, will have to give equal space to homosexuals. Every public school will also be forced to teach that same sex marriage and homosexuality are perfectly normal. They will teach little boys  and little girls that husband and wife and father and moother are merely optional for a family and therfore, meaningless (No Gay Marriage). Same sex families deny children either a mother or father. In certain cases, the same sex family is not driven by the needs of children, but rather by the radical wishes of a small group of adults. Thousands of published social science, psychological and medical studies show that children living in fatherless families, on average, suffer dramatically in every measure of well-being. These children suffer from higher levels of loneliness, physical or mental illness, behavior problems, educa tional failure or criminal troubles. The third reason marriage between homosexuals will destroy traditional marriage is that this is the ultimate goal of activists, and they will not stop until they achieve it. Homosexual activists, with their inner power and exhilaration, feel the political climate is right to tell us what they have wanted all along. Gay marriages are likely to do for gay rights what the rallying cry of â€Å"abortion on demand† did for the Equal Rights Amendment and the women’s movement. It diverts the real debate on every level. It reduces the cause of gay rights to a single issue. But the real deal is most gays and lesbians do not want to marry each other. They do not want to entangle themselves in all sorts of legal constraints (Single Parent What Helps, What Hurts). In a perfect democratic world, gay marriage would be an option for those who want it. However, this world is not a perfect democracy, and the fight for gay marriage is the wrong fight at the wrong time (Focus on Family). In conclusion, the reason for excluding same sex couples from marriage matters: If the reason for denying homosexual marriage is that we have no respect for same sex couples and their relationships and want to give the message that homosexuality is wrong, then that is discrimination and that is wrong. On the other hand, if the reason is to keep the very nature, essence and substance of marriage intact, and the essence is to protect the procreative relationship, then excluding same sex couples from marriage is ethically acceptable. This such refusal is not discrimination. Ethics requires us to take the least invasive, least restrictive alternative, reasonably available and likely to be effective in achieving a justified  goal. Maintaining a traditional marriage and legally recognizing same sex partnerships fulfills that ethical requirement (Why Marriage Matters). Gay and lesbian people have a right to form meaningful relationships. They do not have a right to redefine marriage for all of us. What will happen to society if marriage becomes anything or everything or nothing? The short answer is that the state will lose its compelling interest in marital relationships altogether. After marriage has been redefined, divorces will be obtained instantly, will not involve a court, and will take on the status of a driver’s license or hunting permit. With the family out of the way, all rights and privileges of marriage will accrue to gay and lesbian partners without the legal entanglements and commitments associated with it. These are a few reasons why I am against homosexual marriage. Legalizing it will change everything, especially the institution of the family. Every society needs natural marriage- as many men as possible each finding a woman, caring for and committing himself exclusively to her- working together to create and raise the next generation.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Understanding Man’s Power

In recent years, we have come to understand that relations between men and women are governed by a sexual politics that exists outside individual men's and women's needs and choices. It has taken us much longer to recognize that there is a systematic sexual politics of male-male relationships as well. Under patriarchy, men's relationships with other men cannot help but be shaped and patterned by patriarchal norms, though they are less obvious than the norms governing male-female relationships. A society could not have the kinds of power dynamics that exist between women and men in our society without certain kinds of systematic power dynamics operating among men as well. Men do not just happily bond together to oppress women. In addition to hierarchy over women, men create hierarchies and rankings among themselves according to criteria of â€Å"masculinity. † Men at each rank of masculinity compete with each other, with whatever resources they have, for the differential payoffs that patriarchy allows men. Men in different societies choose different grounds on which to rank each other. Many societies use the simple facts of age and physical strength to stratify men. Our society stratifies men according to physical strength and athletic ability in the early years, but later in life focuses on success with women and ability to make money. In our society, one of the most critical rankings among men deriving from patriarchal sexual politics is the division between gay and straight men. This division has powerful negative consequences for gay men and gives straight men privileges. But in addition, this division has a larger symbolic meaning. Our society uses the male heterosexual-homosexual dichotomy as a central symbol for all the rankings of masculinity, for the division on any grounds between males who are â€Å"real men† and have power, and males who are not. Any kind of powerlessness or refusal to compete becomes imbued with imagery of homosexuality. In the men's movement documentary film Men's Lives, a high school male who studies modern dance says that others often think he is gay because he is a dancer. When asked why, he gives three reasons: because dancers are â€Å"free and loose,† because they are â€Å"not big like football players,† and because â€Å"you're not trying to kill anybody. † The patriarchal connection: if you are not trying to kill other men, you must be gay. Another dramatic example of men's use of homosexual insults as weapons in their power struggle with each other comes from a document which provides one of the richest case studies of the politics of male-male relationships to yet appear: Woodward and Bernstein's The Final Days. Ehrlichman jokes that Kissinger is queer, Kissinger calls an unnamed colleague a psychopathic homosexual, and Haig jokes that Nixon and Rebozo are having a homosexual relationship. From the highest ranks of male power to the lowest, the gay-straight division is a central symbol of all the forms of ranking and power relationships which men put on each other. MEN S POWER WITH WOMEN The relationships between the patriarchal stratification and competition which men experience with each other, and men's patriarchal domination of women, are complex. Let us briefly consider several points of interconnection between them. First, women are used as SYMBOLS OF SUCCESS in men's competition with each other. It is sometimes thought that competition for women is the ultimate source of men's competition with each other. There is considerable reason, however, to see women not as the ultimate source of male-male competition, but rather as only symbols in a male contest where real roots lie much deeper. Second, women often play a MEDIATING role in the patriarchal struggle among men. Women get together with each other, and provide the social lubrication necessary to smooth over men's inability to relate to each other non-competitively. A modern myth, James Dickey's novel Deliverance, portrays what happens when men's relationships with each other are not mediated by women. According to Heilburn, the central message of Deliverance is that when men get beyond the bounds of civilization, which really means beyond the bounds of the civilizing effects of women, men rape and murder each other. A third function women play in male-male sexual politics is that relationships with women provide men a REFUGE from the dangers and stresses of relating to other males. Traditional relationships with women have provided men a safe place in which they can recuperate from the stresses they have absorbed in their daily struggle with other men, and in which they can express their needs without fearing that these needs will be used against them. If women begin to compete with men and have power in their own right, men are threatened by the loss of this refuge. Finally, a fourth function of women n males' patriarchal competition with each other is to reduce the stress of competition by serving as an UNDERCLASS. As Elizabeth Janeway has written in Between Myth and Morning, under patriarchy women represent the lowest status, a status to which men can fall only under the most exceptional circumstances, if at all. Competition among men is serious, but its intensity is mitigated by the fact tha t there is a lowest possible level to which men cannot fall. One reason men fear women's liberation, writes Janeway, is that the liberation of women will take away this unique underclass status of women. Men will now risk falling lower than ever before, into a new underclass composed of the weak of both sexes. Thus, women's liberation means that the stakes of patriarchal failure for men are higher than they have been before, and that it is even more important for men not to lose. Thus, men's patriarchal competition with each other makes use of women as symbols of success, as mediators, as refuges, and as an underclass. In each of these roles, women are dominated by men in ways that derive directly from men's struggle with each other. Men need to deal with the sexual politics of their relationships with each other if they are to deal fully with the sexual politics of their relationships with women. MEN'S POWER IN SOCIETY At one level, men's social identity is defined by the power they have over women and the power they can compete for against other men. But at another level, most men have very little power over their own lives. How can we understand this paradox? The major demand to which men must accede in contemporary society is that they play their required role in the economy. But this role is not intrinsically satisfying. The social researcher Daniel Yankelovich has suggested that about 80% of U. S. male workers experience their jobs as intrinsically meaningless and onerous. They experience their jobs and themselves as worthwhile only through priding themselves on the hard work and personal sacrifice they are making to be breadwinners for their families. Accepting these hardships reaffirms their role as family providers and therefore as true men. Linking the breadwinner role to masculinity in this way has several consequences for men. Men can get psychological payoffs from their jobs which these jobs never provide in themselves. By training men to accept payment for their work in feelings of masculinity, rather than in feelings of satisfaction, men will not demand that their jobs be made more meaningful. As a result, jobs can be designed for the more important goal of generating profits. Further, the connection between work and masculinity makes men accept unemployment as their personal failing as males, rather than analyze and change the profit-based economy whose inevitable dislocations make them unemployed or unemployable. Men's jobs are increasingly structured as if men had no direct roles or responsibilities in the family–indeed, as if they did not have families at all. But paradoxically, at the same time that men's responsibilities in the family are reduced to facilitate more efficient performance of their work role, the increasing dehumanization of work means that jobs give men only the satisfaction of fulfilling the family breadwinner role. The relative privilege that men get from sexism, and more importantly the false consciousness of privilege men get from sexism, play a critical role in reconciling men to their subordination in the larger political economy. This analysis does not imply that men's sexism will go away if they gain control over their own lives, or that men do not have to deal with their sexism until they gain this control. Rather, the point is that we cannot fully understand men's sexism or men's subordination in the larger society unless we understand how deeply they are related. Ultimately, we have to understand that patriarchy has two halves which are intimately related to each other. Patriarchy is a dual system, a system in which men oppress women, and in which men oppress themselves and each other. At one level, challenging one part of patriarchy inherently leads to challenging the other. This is one way to interpret why the idea of women's liberation led so soon to the idea of men's liberation, which ultimately means freeing men from the patriarchal sexual dynamics they now experience with each other. But because the patriarchal sexual dynamics of male-male relationships are less obvious than those of male-female relationships, men now face a real danger: while the patriarchal oppression of women may be lessened as a result of the women's movement, the patriarchal oppression of men may be untouched. The real danger for men posed by the attack that the women's movement is making on patriarchy is not that this attack will go too far, but that it will not go far enough. Ultimately, men cannot go any further in relating to women as equals

Monday, July 29, 2019

A New Joe on the Block

He needs to understand what makes a coffee shop popular in United States c. Joe needs to know the coffee consumption pattern in United States. 2. What are the deliverables that an outside researcher should produce to help Joe with the Key decision? An outside researcher should be able to provide enough information through descriptive research about key problems faced by his client, â€Å"Joe†. The result should have information like right location for coffee shops; commercial areas might be more suitable for coffee shops than residential areas. Also what affects the popularity of coffee shop, whether it is the brand, services, price, products, consumer behavior and to what extent these variables have on the popularity of the coffee shops, and lastly, how often people consume coffee and what affects their consumption habits. 3. How relevant are the coffee taste studies cited above? Explain. Each study is relevant in its own way. The first two studies compared the four brands with different outcome. The study that surveyed 100 consumers form a small organics shop provides some insight into the behavior of some adamant coffee drinkers, part of which can be used in understanding the attributes of popular coffee shops. The other studies show different opinion about coffee taste preferences from different locations. All these can provide some kind of understanding about the competitor’s landscape. 4. What flaws in the coffee taste studies should Joe consider in trying to weigh the merits of their results? The flaw in the first two taste studies is that the conclusions are based on opinion of single person and not a random sample that could reflect consistent pattern among the target consumers. Research based on a single person is not as strong as it would be if it were to be based on more of the target population. The taste studies also reviewed a sample of 100 people from an organic shop, which isn’t the market Joe would be targeting for his coffee shop. 5. Briefly relate this situation to each of the major stages of the marketing research process. If Joe wants to conduct a business research, firstly he needs the objective in this case that would be what kind of coffee people in United States like and which is the best possible place for his coffee shop. Then he needs to plan a research design and a sample study. Collecting and analyzing the data comes next. Surveying would be the most appropriate in this case. After analyzing the data Joe or his researcher can produce a report to conclude the study. 6. Try to do a quick search to explore the question â€Å" are american consumer preference the same all across the United States ? Search in the internet shows that Americans choice of coffee is not much different than one another. It may differ a little in terms of place but most of them go for instant coffee and majority of coffee-drinking Americans go for franchaise coffee shop and are loyal to them. The biggest franchaise in America are Dunkin’ Donuts, Starbucks, Mcdonalds. 11% of American adults go to Dunkin’ Donuts. Where as 13% of American adults go to Starbucks. 7. Would it be better for Joe to do the research himself or have a consultant perform the work? From the report of the research Joe will decide where to open a coffee shop, what kind of coffee he should produce and where to produce. I believe a hiring a specialist is much more suitable option in this situation. 8. If a consultant comes in to do the job, what are three key deliverables that would likely be important to Joe in making a decision to launch the Cup of Joe coffee shop? The three deliverables Joe is looking from his hired consultant would be; which place would be best for his coffee shop, what makes a coffee shop successful and which combination of price and quality most people in that region like most.

The Shoe Shop Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Shoe Shop - Case Study Example The shoe industry, together with the apparel and accessories sectors posts increases in total turnover in the past year which shows the increasing demand and market for these products. The creation and operation of The Shoe Shop which will commence on January 2008 is another quest to provide products for this profitable market. The price of shoes in London is highly dependent on the strategies employed by the different industry players (BFA 2007). Business organizations which employ differentiation and niche strategies enhance the image of their brands by putting a high margin in their shoe products. A good example of this is Russell and Bromley where a pair of women's shoes can cost up to '200.00 (Russell and Bromley 2007). On the other hand mid-priced companies charge from '40 to '90 for a pair of shoes. Shoe manufacturers who are utilizing cost leadership strategies can price more competitively at less than '30. Ben Sherman can price as low as '15 for a pair of women's shoes. These pricing strategies of the competitors in the market together with the survey conducted to determine the target consumers' preferences become the primary bases of The Shoe Shop's proposed pricing strategies. The pricing strategy of a business organization is one of the key elements to its success and even mere survival in the industry where it operates (Kotler 2005). In this consideration, The Shoe Shop formulates its pricing strategy as a way to efficiently generate the maximum profit available. The main aim of the pricing strategy is to cover all the company's efforts in production and other activities, provide ample margin for profits, build the hip image that the company desires, and generate enough demand by pricing competitively and at par with other industry players. In order to determine the pricing strategy, the market research department of the shoe shop conducted a survey which is geared in appropriate rice for a pair of shoes. Considering the target market of The Shoe Shop, the survey was participated by both men and women whose age ranges from 18-35 years old. The market research department concluded that within this age range, consumers are very much concerned about their image and prefer products which express what is hip and trendy. They are willing to pay more for image but most will not spend more than '92.00 for a pair of shoes. Thus, with this consideration, The Shoe Shop will price a pair of shoes in its product line for '70.00. III. Per Unit Cost Statement The costs associated with the production and marketing of the company's shoes generally has a variable and fixed component. The variable costs are direct materials and direct labor both of which can be directly traced to the individual shoes being manufactured. Even though the sizes and design of the shoes vary, the company's direct material cost '27.25 for each pair. Direct labour is 1.25 hours and employees are paid '15.00 per hour of labor. In terms of indirect costs, The Shoe Shop pays a monthly overhead of '7,500. The manufacturing department together with other functional areas, is serviced by the administrative and marketing department. The Shoe Shop allocates a monthly overhe

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Midnights Children of Colonial Empires Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Midnights Children of Colonial Empires - Essay Example The British had lost America in the Revolution and they clung to India with all .their might and cunning. Many of the men in power believed that imperialism was a natural part of human struggle for survival in which the fittest emerged rulers. In other words, they believed that the white Europeans, being endowed with' superior qualities' had all the right to rule others. The European powers had a sense of moral superiority as the Industrial Revolution had brought them previously unheard of prosperity. They also needed a market for the goods they produced. Prosperity had whetted their appetites and they had developed taste for exotic goods .There was a fierce competition between European nations to go ahead of others and conquer farther territories. The hunger for empire building was such that many times they resorted to barbaric means .King Leopold of Belgium unleashed a reign of terror in Congo which he deemed to be his private property. The people in charge, like the clerk Clive of the East India Company, amassed huge fortunes by exploiting the local population. The Europeans brought Christianity to the conquered lands, and tried to root out the old traditions. The British empire was the largest of the European empires, and 'the jewel in the crown' was India .In spite of the might of the greatest empire in history, India gained her independence in 1947, after almost two centuries of British rule, without the use of force or violence, but became the heir to the colonial legacy of division left by the British.. "Midnight's Children" is a seminal work by Salman Rushdie, written in the style of Indian oral story telling, which explores the experiences of various characters in colonial and post - colonial India .It is the story of Saleem Sinai who was born on the midnight of 14th August 1947 exactly at the time when India became independent. The story spans some three generations, beginning with Dr. Aadam Aziz who came to Agra from the Kashmir valley with his family. Of his three daughters , one marries Sinai and another , Zulfikar and emigrates to Pakistan. Beginning with the Jallianwalla Bagh massacre, the story goes on to the frenetic days before the Transfer of Power in India and the days that followed. In a style reminiscent of the Arabian Nights the book recounts the story of some of the children born on that fateful midnight. It touches upon the formation of Bangla Desh. The reader gets a glimmering of the legacy of colonialism. To continue in power, the colonial rulers used every means, even killing without provocation., as in the infamous Jallianwala Bag Massacre. . On the 13th April 1919, a British officer named General Dyer entered an enclosed compound in Amritsar where thousands of Indians had gathered for a peaceful protest against the British ,and opened fire on the unarmed men, killing and maiming hundreds of people. .Rushdie begins his book with this incident. "They have fire a total of one thousand six hundred and fifty rounds into the unarmed crowd. Of these , one thousand five hundred and sixteen have found their mark."(Rushdie 41) Rushdie describes the sound of the gunfire evocatively-"There is a noise like teeth chattering in winter". (Rushdie 41) After the massacre, there was approval for Dyer's action in the House of Lords. This incident rang the death knell for the empire

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Interview of Someone in the Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Interview of Someone in the Media - Essay Example Media was not a passion for Bob. He had in fact planned to be a doctor. During his final high school years however, he flanked some of the major subjects that made up his cluster to enter medical school in college. Surprisingly he is not sad about this anymore because he got to do journalism instead, and he likes it. Now, he is a 37 year old newspaper article writer. His articles mainly focus on current political issues, he analyses trends and predicts outcomes that may occur in relation to specific political changes. He is more of a critique than anything. He is required therefore, to base his articles more on disseminating facts from a personal point of view. The articles may range from focus on a specific politician, to general political policies. In his line of work he sometimes interviews political figures and offers critiques by other writers who do political based writings. When Bob is not writing articles he is dedicated to doing political research. Unlike his writing, his re search is international and pays focus to politics of foreign countries. He uses the findings from his research to contrast the situation back at home. He also volunteers to lecture on a few journalism courses in the local college. There are a number of things that Bob dislikes in his line of work Politics is a dirty game and by extension, politicians are dirty players. Journalism regulations require that a writer publish truths and facts and there are instances that he was pushed to not writing the truth. Another part of his job that is bitter sweet is when he is required to give his own two cents on a matter. Bob is keen to add that he does like giving his opinions which in most cases are very volatile but he is sometimes scared of the outcome. Much as he is committed to his work he hates the long hours he has to put in. Before he had kids he did not really mind but he is a family man and he believes that spending maximum, quality time with his children is important the sustainabi lity of their relationship. The best part of his job he says is the competition. In writing one has to be many steps ahead of his competitors or your columns will become irrelevant. You have to keep convincing your editor that your writing is worth a column or even a whole page by keeping readers hooked. Its all about who is getting the exclusive interview with what top notch political personality, who is giving the best and most quoted critique of the week. He is positive that if he had joined another career he would not have been as happy as he is now. He learns new things every single day of his life. He said and I quote â€Å"it’s like getting paid to have a fun†. His most interesting assignment was when he got to do an article on effects of early childhood on an adult’s character. It was interesting to him for various reasons. The first reason was because this was the first time he had done anything outside his comfort zone. Most of his work is based on pol itics and closely related issues. He claims that the thrill of doing something new was refreshing. The second reason he liked that particular job was because unlike politics getting information from the medical society was easier. All he needed were facts and testimonies from elite doctors who surprisingly were willing to meet him and offer all the information he needed despite their busy schedules. I however think that if Bob were to ask personal or controversial questions he wouldn’

Friday, July 26, 2019

Tales from Shakespeare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Tales from Shakespeare - Essay Example The public apology of Claudio is also excluded; 6. It is intended for very young readership; and 7. The tale is intended to convey positive values. Lamb's tale version of Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing tries to convey to the readers the beauty of the English language by incorporating the original dialogues in the play to the narrative prose. Since it serves as an introductory tale to Shakespeare's plays, the tale gives the readers a taste of the master's original language. In it the reader's interest to read further the original plays is heightened and thus they are being ushered into the beauty of Shakespeare's genius. These and more have made the tale version incorporate in it a true "touch" and "feel" of the beauty of the Shakespearean English used in the original play. The dialogues when read aloud are so poetic that even young readers could memorize and recite them at random and these are pleasing to the ears. The Lambs have preserved the plot of the play and have remained faithful to the rendition and description of the events and characters except for some exclusion which are made due to some valid reasons. The names of the characters are preserved as well as the succession of events. This shorter version of the lengthy play is a good start for first time readers of Shakespeare. The setting, Messina, is retained. ... The names of the characters are preserved as well as the succession of events. This shorter version of the lengthy play is a good start for first time readers of Shakespeare. The setting, Messina, is retained. So are the characters, like Leonato, Hero, Beatrice, Don Pedro, Don John, Claudio and Benedick. So are the minor characters, Margaret, Ursula, Borachio, the Friar and others. The series of events are as faithful to the original as possible. It begins with the coming of the guests, the courtship between Hero and Claudio and the clash between Beatrice and Benedict. It is followed by the announcement of Hero and Claudio's wedding. In the same line, Beatrice and Benedick were tricked into loving each other by the collaboration of Leonato, Don Pedro, Claudio, Hero, Margaret and Ursula. Then follows the plot of Don John to stop the wedding by setting up Borachio to deceive Claudio and Don Pedro into believing that hero has been unfaithful to Claudio by talking to a man in the eve of their wedding. The next scene is in the church where Beatrice was shamed and accused by Claudio and the suspension of the wedding rites. It is followed by the friar's advice to keep Hero in hiding and to tell the people that she had died until the truth about her innocence would be revealed. It is also at the church that Benedick and Beatrice were drawn closer to each other. When Hero was found innocent by the magistrates' catching of Borachio and Don John, Leonato punished Claudio by letting him marry his niece who in fact Hero. The play ends with Benedick proposing to marry Beatrice. The only details that are excluded are the love-making of Borachio and Margaret

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Reward Management in Ikea Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Reward Management in Ikea - Literature review Example Most organizations use reward management to motivate employees and enhance their productivity thereby contributing to improvement of overall organizational performance. Reward management is further aimed at ensuring internal, as well as external equity. More importantly, it strengthens psychological contract and also for organization to comply with legislation that require organizations to have reward management system (Phil and Cole, 2011, p. 101). Furthermore, reward management provides an organization with a system that enables it to efficiently administer rewards among employees. There are basically two types of rewards: extrinsic rewards and intrinsic rewards. Extrinsic rewards satisfy basic human needs such as security and survival and include raise in pay, better working conditions, and bonuses among others (Wright, 2004, p. 17). Intrinsic rewards aim at satisfying higher human needs such as development and esteem. The vision of IKEA is creation of better everyday life for man y people including its employees. Its human resource philosophy is that employees can be more productive and committed when the company is taking care of their needs. Like many Swedish companies, IKEA adopted a paternalistic stance towards the needs of employees and employees themselves that seeks to empower employees (IBS Center for Management Research, 2012). The application of its human resource philosophy is more or less standardized and reward policies are applied to all employees uniformly. Its human resource policies are aimed at making relationships between employees open and strong, and employees are encouraged to excel by taking care and supporting each other. In a nutshell, IKEA’s human resource policies seek to guarantee uniform and high quality standards in order to support its future developmental and business challenges (IBS Center for Management Research 2012). IKEA’s reward management system is designed to reward employees more or less equally and is i nformed by the need to make relationships between employees open and strong. Equity theory is relevant to IKEA’s reward management system. Armstrong and Stephens (2005, p. 92) note that this theory suggests that employees will be motivated to engage in actions that they perceive that the conditions of the situation are just and fair and which will ultimately benefit them. In addition, this theory holds that a person will be motivated towards organizational goals if they feel that the amount of effort being put forth commensurate the outcomes or the benefits being received (Byron and Khazanchi, 2010, p. 3). Considering that IKEA’s human resource policies are aimed at creating open and strong relationships among employees and empowering them, equity theory are more relevant to their reward management system. This is because it requires that this system regulates equity and help employees to maximize their outcomes as a whole. Looking into IKEA’s human resource pol icies also shows that the organization is keen to avoid distress among employees which might hamper its efforts towards attaining its goals. Equity theory will therefore be relevant to creating equal relationships among parties in the workplace thus avoiding distress. Equity theory recognizes commonly contributed inputs in organizations to include labor, personal investment, time, dedication, and skill (White and Druker, 2000, p. 81). Application of this

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Admission essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Admission - Essay Example One study revealed that nearly three-quarters of college freshmen consider being ‘very well-off financially’ to be a ‘very important’ or ‘essential’ goal† (Bolt, 2004: 124). However, personal experience has taught me that happiness has nothing to do with any of these things. My experience started one day when a friend of mine finally got tired of hearing me gripe about my many petty (and some important) irritations in life. He was my primary sounding board, so I felt abandoned when he told me he wouldn’t listen anymore until I had written down the 33 happiest moments of my life. I resisted, of course, but finally needed to vent so I sat down and started my list. It took me days of thinking, jotting down a note, thinking some more, scribbling and rearranging before I finally had a list I felt ready to show my friend. I didn’t really notice it at the time, but for the entire period I was working on my list, those problems I was always complaining about seemed to melt away. This readjustment of my thinking was exactly what my friend explained he’d been going for. He had taken a class in which this exercise had been given and he’d learned that when you spend time focusing on the good things that have happened to you in life, you feel less negative and the outside world looks more positive. You start seeing the possibilities in life instead of the obstacles. I understood because I’d just experienced this, but he was right that I probably wouldn’t have understood if he’d just told me. When I showed him my list, he helped me go through it and grouped my moments into several categories. These ended up including accomplishments, gifts, helping others, family, trips, nature and miscellaneous. As we talked about my list, I realized that even in those areas that might sound more like a focus on material elements, the focus was clearly more on the experience involved rather than the item itself.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Policy Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Policy Analysis - Essay Example Such statements are suppressed because they violate the Fifth Amendment and they are subject to the Miranda exclusionary rule. A waiver, in this regard, occurs when the suspect logically, knowingly and voluntarily waives his right. In order to determine the validity of the waiver, it is important to look at the circumstances and events resulting in the waiver. Where the suspect makes a spontaneous or voluntary statement before the rights are read, such statements can be admitted provided the statements were not prompted by interrogations. This position clearly shows that Miranda rights are only necessary when law enforcement intends to interrogate a suspect (Burgan, 2006). Miranda rights, policies and procedures, therefore, greatly affect the operations and decision making process within law enforcement. The rights give the suspect protection against self-incrimination as well as providing appropriate guidelines for law enforcement in the manner they interrogate suspects. Miranda policies and procedures assist in determining whether suspects’ statements can be admitted or suppressed in a court of

William Blake English Coursework Essay Example for Free

William Blake English Coursework Essay From the poems that you have studied, what have you learnt about Blakes attitude to the treatment of children in his time? How does he try to persuade his reader to empathise with his characters? Which poem (or poems) do you think best achieve this aim, and why? One of Blakes main influences was the society in which he lived in. William Blake was born on November 28, 1757 in London. Blake was influenced by events in both the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution, by the attitude of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. They inspired a new way of looking at the world. Blake thought that imagination was the force of art, and people thought his art was too adventurous and unconventional for that time. William Blake witnessed the effect Britains war with republican France had on society, and he talks about this in London (Songs of Experience) and The Chimney Sweeper (Songs of Experience) He had radical religious and political ideas, which led him to write Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. In a lot of Blakes poems, he tackles the issue of child labour. After the industrial revolution, with a rise in population came a rise in the number of children being made to work. An employer could pay a child less than an adult, and children were useful for more jobs, for example when Blake wrote The Chimney Sweeper. In both of The Chimney Sweeper poems, Blake attacks the treatment of children at the time. The first one, in Songs of Innocence, shows a naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve view of how a child at the time felt. The first three stanzas are negative, starting with When my mother died when I was very young, and describing, thousands of sweepers were lockd up in coffins of black. But this poem shows children have a positive outlook on life, with the final three stanzas being positive. It talks about an Angel who set them all free. I think Blake is writing about God, and the children will be set free after being in their coffins and after death, and that all the children are happy in heaven. Blake is trying to convey the fact that the children do not fear death, perhaps because it is better than their lives. In the last stanza, Blake writes, Tom was happy warm, and he says the children are not worried as if all do their duty, they need not fear harm. This is slightly didactic, which is what a lot writing f or children was in the eighteenth century, but this last line also comes across as sarcastic and angry, as if Blake disagrees with what the children have to do in order to feel safe. The Chimney Sweeper in Songs of Experience is a contrast to The Chimney Sweeper in Songs of Innocence. In this version, Blake has taken on the persona of the chimney sweeper, and the chimney sweeper has been influenced by society. He has realised the faults of society that he had never noticed before. It still shows the children making the best out of life, but this time the chimney sweeper is questioning this, saying Because I was happy upon the heath, that They clothed me in the clothes of death. Blake is implying that because the children are happy doing these jobs, that the adults think this is doing them no harm. Religion plays a part in this poem, as it is mentioned a lot in the poem itself, saying his mother and father have gone up to the church to pray and are gone to praise the God his Priest King. Blake is conveying a message that it is hypocrisy; the mother and father in the poem are good religious people, but even so they are still exploiting the children. Another poem where Blake writes about children is The School Boy (Songs of Innocence and Experience). In this poem, Blake has written it to persuade the reader that children should not go to school, and uses phrases like O it drives all joy away! and The little ones spend their day/In sighing and dismay. Blake is trying to make the reader agree that there is something wrong with society, and that they are doing wrong by making innocent children go to school, when they should be free. At the start of the poem, Blake represents the schoolboy as a skylark (And the skylark sings with me). A skylark is associated with the morning and therefore connected to the children, and then connected to the boy himself. The skylark only sings in the sky, and the skylark is often used as a nickname for someone who is doing well, and this is why Blake used this particular bird to represent the schoolboy. Later in the poem, Blake refers to the schoolboy as a flower bud, using a metaphor to say the schoo lboy is beautiful and should be free. In The School Boy, Blake uses a contrast of positive and negative words next to each other to create an oxymoron. He uses phrases like blossoms blow away and the tender plants are stripped to highlight the fact that the schoolboy cannot experience the freedom as it has been taken away from him. The positive words are blossoms, tender and plants, but the contrast is used by adding words like blow away and stripped. The School Boy is similar to both The Chimney Sweeper poems, as Blake is attacking the way people were treating children. Blake believed that children should be free, otherwise The little ones spend their day/In sighing and dismay, and that they should not have to work or go to school (But to go to school in a summer morn,-/Oh it drives all joy away!) but to enjoy freedom and innocence. Blake refers to children in London (Songs of Experience). In the first two stanzas, Blake uses repetition and alliteration to create a mournful atmosphere. In the first stanza he uses words like wander, weakness and woe. This creates the scene of London; making it seem depressing and slow. In the second stanza, Blake repeats the phrase In every to draw attention to the points he is making, that nobody is happy and everyone is fearful. In the third stanza, Blake brings in religion, which is also clear in The Chimney Sweeper (Songs of Experience). Again, he is attacking religion, describing the church as blackning. He also refers to the chimney sweeper, saying How the Chimney-sweepers cry, which is very similar to The Chimney Sweeper and also shows he does not agree with it, by saying the children are crying. Blake says even infants are upset, with the new-born Infants tear. Blake makes the reader feel sorry for the children, by describing them crying, and using words like youthful and new-born, which makes them sound naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve and innocent, and this makes the reader agree that they shouldnt be made to feel fear or be upset. Blake also makes the reader empathise with the children and infants in Infant Joy (Songs of Innocence). Infant Joy represents an innocent baby, who has come into a world where everything is expected to be joyful and well. It is as if Blake has adopted the persona of a mother or father, writing about how the child has come into the world. Blake is saying that all babies are happy, by using phrases like I happy am and Joy is my name. He is implying the baby is joy and expects joy. The reader immediately warms to the infant, because at the time people believed babies to be sinful, but Blake wrote about them as innocent. Blake believed children only did wrong because of the effects on society, and the baby in Infant Joy is represented as not yet part of society as it has no name (Joy is my name). Blake also describes how the baby is not only happy himself, but also brings joy to others around him, by saying Thou dost smile. This is one poem where Blake writes about a child or an infant being happy, innocent and free, as most of the others describe children as being trapped or upset. Infant Sorrow (Songs of Experience) is another example of a poem like this. It is a complete contrast to Infant Joy and it is not seen from a real babys point of view, so it is not a joyful or naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve outlook on life, but it shows a more real view from the baby that is wise. The baby has been brought into a world of suffering, not joy. This world does not welcome the baby, but Blake describes how My mother groand! my father wept./Into the dangerous world I leapt. Both stanzas in the poem use a lot of plosives, like piping and bound, which makes the poem sound abrupt, and makes the reader more shocked. The phrase Like a fiend hid in a cloud, makes the baby sound like a devil in the thundercloud, and that the baby is seen as threatening and unwanted by the family. The reader automatically sympathises with the baby and the way the baby has been welcomed into the world. Many of Blakes poems highlight the treatment of the children, and I think the poems that best achieve this are the ones Blake wrote for Songs of Experience, as these are usually cynical views that draw the readers attention and makes the agree with Blake.

Monday, July 22, 2019

How Sound Is Used Expressively in M Essay Example for Free

How Sound Is Used Expressively in M Essay In the beginning of the movie everything appears normal but within minutes you are thrown into a frantic time in Germany. A serial killer of children is on the loose and a mother waits at home for her young daughter. When are then shown her growing anticipation for her daughter to get home but at the same time shown her daughter talking to a shadowy figure who buys her a balloon. Her mother screams her name over and over as the camera shows different scenes. This is expressive because the sound of her voice shows how worried she is and the interchanging scenes show she is nowhere to be found. Then the scene of her ball rolling into the brush and her balloon tangles in the electrical wires signifies her death. Without the mothers screams the scene would not have delivered the dramatics that it did. Another instance of sound being used expressively was the part in the movie where the minister and the chief of police are discussing finding Elsie’s killer. They show many scenes of the police doing various investigations including combing areas for clues, interrogating people, night raids and trying to pick up scents with a dog. This scene shows how intense there investigation is and the chief’s monologue gives you the added intensity of the situation. With the chief talking about how they plan to find the killer and the scenes of the police doing their investigation being shown, Lang manages to expressively show a wide scale investigation in a short time with aural and visual aspects. It’s something that could not be done with a silent movie. The essence of the movie is then truly captured with the parallel sequence shots depicting the criminal underworlds meeting and the police meeting. M is not only a story about a serial killer but, it shows the similarities at the time of the criminals and the police due to the lack of control in postwar Germany. This comparison is very expressively shown when Lang uses what they are saying to show how very similar they are. Everything from both the rooms being filled with cigarette smoke to dialogue that is seemingly mirrored from their separate meetings, is a great

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Challenges to TESCOs Expansion into Malaysia

Challenges to TESCOs Expansion into Malaysia Executive Summary For any company to enter into the international market for the first time, a proper research and analysis regarding the challenges and current marketing conditions prevailing in the targeted country must be undertaken. The project has been undertaken to analyse, understand and highlight the major challenges that TESCO can face while entering into Malaysia for the first time. The report focuses on the Political and Legal, Economical, Socio cultural Technological and environmental challenges that may create a difficulties for TESCO to start its business in Malaysia. Introduction to TESCO Tesco PLC is a UK based supermarket chain. It is the largest British retailer, both by global sales and domestic market share, and the fourth largest retailer in the world behind Wal-Mart of the USA, Carrefour of France, and The Home Depot of the USA. Tesco has a long term strategy for growth, based on four key parts: growth in the Core UK business, expand by growing internationally, be as strong in non-food as in food and to follow customers into new retailing services. Environmental Analysis of Malaysia Political Legal Environment Rising Political instability Data In recent months, The political ruling party Barisan Nasional is facing the problem of fall in its strength in ruling the country. The opposition Party Pakatan Rakyat power influence on the Malaysians is increasing which has resulted into possibilities of undertaking of elections in the coming months. Analysis It is predicted that the opposition party may emerge as victorious which lead to increased political uncertainty lower economic growth for 1-2 years. Sales may slow down in the initial years which may be due to increased political uncertainty and disturbance on spending of public during the handover process. The handover process is generally a time consuming lengthy process. it may result into impaired business for the company. lower economic growth in the beginning years may affect the purchasing power of consumers. The company may have to reduce its cost to overcome lower sales in initial years. TESCO may have to reduce its cost on marketing and advertising . The consumers may prefer price and value over quality brand. Political war between the two parties may also result in the outcome of riots which may also result into physical damage of Tescos Property and buildings. Challenge Slow economic growth at the time of change in government which may lead to slow business in the beginning of setting its business in Malaysia. The consumers may prefer price over quality. TESCO may need to have strong control over its expenses. Riots may cause physical damage to TESCOs property if the Political war emerges. Restrictions on Press Advertising Data The Malaysian Government has a very tight control on media like TV, radio, newspapers, outdoor advertising etc for broadcasting of commercials and advertisements. The advertising code code of ethics are to be followed by all the companies business in Malaysia. Analysis The government has kept ban on advertisement of products like alcohol, pork, products with unacceptable images etc. Also, advertisement related to exposure of body parts anti social content like foul language, uncompetitive practices, religious comparisons etc are strictly prohibited. The advertisement must be shot in Malaysia with Malaysian models in the advertisements. No international models from other countries are allowed. Also, the musicals of the ad must be done in Malaysia. Advertisements related to food drink products must highlight the importance necessity of balanced diet to the viewers. Powerful emphasis on the speciality lifestyle of the country of origin of an imported product is not allowed in the advertisements. Challenges TESCO will have to change its marketing and advertising strategy in Malaysia. The government control on advertising media may disallow advertisement commercials of many products of TESCO UK. The company may also have to undergo the process of repackaging re labeling on their products. TESCO will have to create new ideas to advertise its product which could be expensive and time consuming. Focus on many cultural groups Data Malay, Chinese Indian community are the 3 major cultural groups in Malaysia. Chinese Indian community are the minority communities in the country. The recent attacks against the Christian church has created political instability social unrest among the people. Analysis The wealth gap between less richer Malays very rich Chinese and Indian ethinic group in Malaysia has always been a point of concern in Malaysian politics. There has been many issues regarding this issue in the past which created a tension in the Malaysian political environment. But currently, the government is taking efficient measures to reduce the tension between the cultural groups. Christianity is also a minority religion in Malaysia on which government has to keep its attention. However, in the beginning of 2010, there were a series of attacks against Christian church because of some high court decisions. All these factors may lead to political instability in the near future. Political instability may result into the change in government. Christianity is the major religion in UK. Malaysians may tend to emotionally link the products of TESCO with Christianity as TESCO is a UK based company. This may initially led to the unacceptance of the products by Malaysians due current social unrest which may affect the sales and brand image of TESCO in Malaysian market. This may also affect the marketing and advertising strategy of TESCO. The company may have to frequently and carefully advertise its product to the consumers to change their perception about the link between Christianity and the Companys product offering. This may result into heavy expenditures resulting into the rise in cost of the company. Challenges Recent attack on churches may create the perception of link between UK TESCO products and Christianity religion which may affect the sales of TESCO. TESCO will need to advertise more frequently to change the consumers perception about the Christian religion and the local products it sells to Malaysians. Impact of terrorism Data Analysis Rising tension between Malay, Chinese Indian cultural groups in Malaysia in last few years have created a threat of internal terrorism in Malaysia. The war between the ethnic Chinese terrorists Malaysian government came to end after 42 years. However, in the beginning of 2010, there were a series of attacks against Christian church because the court said that the Christians can refer GOD as ALLAH. Challenge Sales may become difficult due to religious unrest. TESCO many have to opt for an option of Public relations on a regular basis which may increase the expenses of the company. Economical Environment Low Purchasing Power Data The GDP per capita income of Malaysia and UK for 2008 was $14,215 $35,468 respectively. Malaysia can be classified as the country of people having upper middle income level whereas UK population can be classified under high income level. Analysis The purchasing power of UK is more the purchasing power of Malaysia. It clearly reflects that the disposable income of Malaysia is comparative low to that of Uk. The per capita income disposable income of Britishers is very high thereby increasing their purchasing power. Due to high purchasing power, normally people in UK prefer brands and are brand loyal are willing to spend extra on the products. The per capita income of Malaysians is comparatively very low to that compared with Britishers. Lesser income signifies that the disposable income will be lower thereby reducing purchasing power. This will directly result in the emergence of price sensitive market condition in Malaysia where brand loyalty could be given less priority by Malaysians. Lower per capita income of Malaysians will result into low purchasing power making Malaysia a price sensitive market where buyers may be ready to buy any product with less or no brand importance. So the company sales might get affected due to this. TESCO may have to change its products, lower the quality lower the price so that the products can be produced cost effectively consumers can afford to buy. TESCO may have to start its own manufacturing unit along with its own new supply chain management and search for local suppliers in Malaysia who can provide products of good quality at a lower price. This may help in producing products at lower cost which the Malaysians can intend to buy. TESCO will have to search the place to set up their business to get proximity to the market which may help in lowering the distribution cost of its product. Challenges Lower consumer income will affect sales of the company. Uk products have high quality with high price. The company may have to rechange its quality of the products as per the price. TESCO will have to start its new supply chain management distribution system to make the local products for cost efficiency. TESCO will need to find their place of setting business where Distribution cost is very low. The company will have to look for local supply chain who can meet all above requirements. Foreign Currency Fluctuation Risk Data The foreign exchange of 1GBP to 1Malaysian Ringett in recent months has fallen from 5.8RM to 4.7RM. The interest rate of Malaysia UK in the beginning of the year 2010 were 2.25% 0.5% respectively. Analysis The key factor for fluctuations in currency exchange rates is the interest rate in different countries. Malaysia offers significantly higher interest rates than UK. Then investors will want to put money into Malaysia, thus increasing demand for the currency. The increase in currency demand may result into lowering value of Pound thus creating Foreign currency fluctuation risk.Exchange Rates are very important for any country as they determine the level of imports and exports. Challenge Importing products may become a costly option due to fluctuation in currency risk. The company may have to look for local suppliers and also may have to start new supply chain management to reduce the cost. Unemployment Level Data The recent Global financial crisis is still having a major impact on employment level in all the countries of the world. The unemployment rate in UK has reached to 8% in march 2010. The unemployment rate has increased from 3.2% in 2007 and has reached to 3.7% in march 2010. Analysis Increase in unemployment of Skilled, Semiskilled Labourers has been a major concern for Malaysian government in last few years. The Malaysian Government may put some employment restrictions on all the Multinational companies in Malaysia to hire the local Malaysians for employment. The restrictions may include more hiring of Malaysians in comparison to foreign employees irrelevant of their level of skills. Even though the higher unemployment in their home country, TESCO may undergo the pressure of hiring more Malaysians in comparison of foreign employees and provide training to them to meet the required skills for employment which may increase the overall expenses of the company. Also, employing foreign workers in Malaysia will be an expensive cost incurring idea thus increasing the operational cost of the firm affecting the product pricing. Challenge Employing foreign talent may not be possible to run the business. Providing training for Local staff would be expensive and time consuming process. Creating new supply chain management Data Low purchasing power of Malaysians, high foreign currency fluctuation and price sensitive market in the country are becoming major factors for the companies to reduce their prices of the product. Analysis Low Purchasing power of Malaysians in comparison with those of UK will create a price sensitiveness in the country where people may prefer Price over quality. Foreign currency fluctuation between Malaysian Ringett and UK Pound has been unstable in recent times. In importing goods, TESCO may end up in paying more than their usual price thus increasing the overall cost of the product. TESCO will have to reduce the price to meet the market price with its competitors product. The company will have to look for new supply chain management along with new suppliers who can provide the required quality at lesser price to meet the comsumers expectation. Setting up the new supply chain along with new local suppliers will be a big challenge as TESCO is an International Company. Challenges Importing goods from UK will be expensive for TESCO. Tesco may have to compromise on the quality of the product in case of price sensitive market. TESCO will have to set up new supply chain management along with new local suppliers to meet both the price and quality requirement of the consumers. Socio Cultural Environment Labeling Packaging Requirements Data Analysis The Malaysian government is very strict about the labeling language used on the products sold in the country. The language on all the products saleable, whether local or imported, must be written in Bahasa Malaysia or English. And in case of imported goods, the language used in either case may also include translation in any other languages. Since the Government rules regulations is very strict in Malaysia, TESCO would have to Change its labeling repack the products with descriptions in both English bahasa Malaysia Language. Also, the company will have to give more information on the product about its HALAL Certification, ingredients, Date marking, Nutrition Labeling etc. The company will have to change its packaging strategy for its products due to hot humid climatic conditions prevailing in Malaysia This will increase the cost of packaging labeling of all the products to be sold. So to gain economies of scale, TESCO may have to increase its sales volume to cover up the cost of change in labeling packaging. Challenge Relabeling and repackaging the products due to language barrier will be costly and time consuming. TESCO may have to keep on advertising its product on a regular basis to overcome the language barrier. Halal certification Data Analysis The concept of Halal on food non food category of product consumption is a vital issue in any muslim country. Islam is the official religion followed in Malaysia. The religion of Islam demands that the product to be consumed must be HALAL. In Malaysia, The Muslim consumers look for the HALAL certification on the products which is issue by Malaysias Department Of Islamic Development (JAKIM). In recent years, the Muslim consumers in Malaysia are faced with broad selection of products services which are either locally named or are international products certified as HALAL. The Competition is intense in the Malaysian market where local retailers have an upper hand for the sale of products by projecting their products as Islamic brands with the help of creative packaging labeling on their products. TESCO will have to certify HALAL certification on all it products will have to show the logo on each HALAL certified product. This will result into rising of its operating cost. Also, The HALAL certificate is valid for only 1year. So, the company may have to incur these cost every year. Challenge Certification of Halal on all products is costly and time consuming. The validity of certification is very less which results into occurrence of repetitive expenses every year. Advertising, packaging and labeling strategy would change which may increase the cost of the firm. Intense competition from local retailers will be a challenge. Technological Environmental Factors Accessibility Updation of Information Data and Analysis The percentage of urban population to total population in the year 2008 was 70.4%. Most of the hypermarkets are located in the urban areas. Rural consumers may have little access to either buy the product online or going to the nearest hypermarket in their area. So, setting the business in urban market will be a challenge to TESCO to meet capture the market share the requirements of both rural urban population. In recent years, in Malaysia, Online purchasing has become an easy, time, cost energy saving way to buy the products. This method is more followed by the urban consumers to book an order. So, TESCO will have to keep a regular update on timely basis about the availability of its products on its online purchasing website for its consumers. Challenge Target market may get narrow down due to low internet access in rural areas. Starting a business in rural area may increase the transportation cost to the urban consumers. Regular update on timely basis about the availability of its products on its online purchasing website for its consumers will be a challenge. Impact of global warming, deforestation environmental factors Data Analysis Water air pollution, impact of global warming has affected the health of the people in Malaysia. Deforestation due to regional development is also another factor affecting the country. The Malaysian government is now becoming very strict for control over these environmental problems. Any business, whether local or multinational business, has to comply with all the set of rules and regulations related to the environmental issues laid by the Malaysian government. Government may also disallow the companies in setting up of warehouses in the certain selected parts of the country. TESCO, being an multinational brand, will have to follow the strict prescribed rules laid by the Malaysian Government and may have to submit regular reports to the government regularly regarding the working of the company. Challenge Setting up of warehouses near TESCOs hypermart can be a big challenge. Transportation cost may get increased due to problem in selecting area for warehouses. Restriction on certain products can affect the business of TESCO.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Perraults Puss in Boots :: Perrault Puss Boots Essays

Perrault's Puss in Boots The myriad characters in every fairy tale each contribute a great deal to the plot structure, their slightest actions bringing forth a favourable or grievous outcome. The overall sense of a story lies almost entirely on what is included in their dialogue and descriptions. In comparing the well known Rapunzel, as told by the brothers Grimm, to a lesser known version Petrosinella, by Giambattista Basile, a reader can distinguish each as unique based on these elements. Further analysis reveals what all characters donate to create each storyline, as well as a pair of equally distinctive endings. The Grimm Rapunzel is remarkably descriptive when compared with the 1637 Basile variation. The Grimm’s introduce a man and wife that have long wished for God to grant them a child, going on to describe the beauty of the neighbour's garden and the wife’s long and intense yearning for the rapunzel. What takes the better part of a page in Rapunzel condenses into three short sentences in Petrosinella, which comes across as far more abrupt. The first character is introduced, sees what she wants next door, and craves it; no other clarification is provided. The opening sentence states that â€Å"there lived a woman named Pascaddozia, who was pregnant.† Already there are three factors not present in the Grimm tale. Firstly, the woman is living alone-there is never mention of a husband. Second, she is named, which is very unusual in any fairy tale because the parent(s) often have a very small role overall and are not so important as to have names. Third, she is with child, and we are given no indication that there were the classic problems of conceiving. These points summon an image of a strong, single mother, more significant in the life of her child than the Grimm’s couple. Rapunzel describes how the man yields to his wife and fetches her some of the herb from the witch’s garden. Pascaddozia, however, steals into the garden several times to indulge her cravings. This bravery shown by the mother again reflects on how different she is from the Grimm wife, a trait that is revealed in her daughter Petrosinella. The witches also differ in each tale. Petrosinella portrays a rather slow-witted antagonist that behaves with more fury. Reacting to the theft in her garden, this one vows revenge if she catches the culprit.

Waste Management Essay -- essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Municipal waste is disposed of in three different ways. As of 2004 it is estimated that 71 percent is land filled, 16 percent incinerated, and 13 percent recycled. Other wastes that have to be disposed of are nuclear and hazardous wastes. The environmental effects of different waste management solutions will be discussed as well as ideal ways, in my opinion, to dispose of different forms of solid wastes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Landfills are the most commonly used form of disposing wastes today. It is also a form of disposal that causes many environmental impacts that are in need of addressing. A major effect of landfills is Leachate, a contaminated liquid that percolates through the waste in a landfill and probably the most addressed issue. This contaminated liquid can soak into the ground and cause water contamination according to the Department of Agriculture and Life Sciences at NC State University. Another effect of landfills is air pollution. Not only can air pollution from landfills contribute to acid rain and green house gases but it can also have an impact on the citizens around it. Soil gas migration can cause a four-fold elevation of risk for bladder cancer and leukemia among women reported a study at the New York Health Department’s website.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The second form of waste disposal is incineration. This type of disposal releases many air pollutants to include admium, lead, mercury, dioxin, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride, nitrogen dioxide, and particulate matter according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Gases such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide contribute to acid rain and smog. The incinerators mainly contribute to air pollution but the ash left over from burning waste has to be buried in landfills thus contributing to ground pollution too.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The last waste management system is recycling. Recycling consists of processing used or abandoned materials for use in creating new products. This method was created to address issues created from the other two forms of waste management and has a positive impact on the environment. It helps to reduce the amount of waste needed for disposal by making a portion of it available for reuse.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hazardous and Nuclear waste disposal is a very serious issue. It can cause soil contamin... ...ll listen.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  By implementing these programs I feel that waste making it to our landfills will be greatly eliminated. This will allow waste management agencies to focus more energy and time studying other ways of controlling the negative effects of wastes that does make it to landfills. A recycle conscience society can preserve the earth for many generations to come.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Works Cited Getis, Arthur et al. Introduction to Geography. New York: McGraw Hill, 2004. New York State Department of Health. Health Department Releases Landfill Study. 21 Aug. 1998. 26 June 2005. < releases/1998/landfill.html> U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Summaries of Related Solid Waste Incineration Rules. 10 June 2002. 26 June 2005.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Municipal Solid Waste. 3 June 2005. 25 June 2005. Zaslow, Sandra. â€Å"Health Effects of Drinking Water Contaminants.† North Carolina Cooperative Extension. June 1995. North Carolina State University. 26 June 2005.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly An Analysis on the lives of the Upper, Middle, and Lower classes during the Industrial Revolution I have fully upheld Delbarton’s Honor Code in letter and spirit. Signature: Anthony Farinacci Anthony Farinacci Feb. 12, 2014 European History Mr. Gentine Delbarton School Before the Industrial Revolution, Great Britain made minuscule changes to society and the economy was slow. Once 1750 began, Britain was on the verge of having an Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution shifted Britain from an agricultural society to an industrial society. Many other countries tried to follow Britain and have their own Industrial Revolution, but some were not as successful. Even though the peasants had a rough life during the Industrial Revolution, it did benefit the middle and upper classes. The Industrial Revolution had an everlasting effect on European society because some of the advancements that were made are still used today. During the Indu... ...onized the manufacturing of cotton and opened up new industries. Arthur Young who lived during the Industrial Revolution had a very powerful quote about Watt. He said, â€Å" In what path of life can a man be found that will not animate his pursuit from seeing the steam-engine of Watt?" James Watt changed the course of the Industrial Revolution with his invention of the Steam Engine. The upper class gained much revenue from the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution in Great Britain truly effected Europe in different ways. The peasants worked long hours and lived in poor conditions. The middle class lived modest lives and sometimes were promoted to the upper class. The upper class greatly benefited with the new advancements in technology. The Industrial Revolution helped make Europe a more advanced place, even though it did have some flaws.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Zipcar Individual Case Brief

Zipcar Company is affected by several general environment factors including the following: Sociocultural: There is very well developed public transportation system available in the urban areas and people can easily get the mobility through public transportation. Easy access to the public transportation affects Zipcar’s business to minimize its revenues. Economic: Due to the high gas prices, it is not easy for the companies like Zipcar to compete in the market but the Zipcar can come up with hybrid cars to overcome this threat. Technological: Zipcar has now its own application to select the cars and this application makes the process easy for the customers in selecting the right vehicle. Technology is helping the company to better facilitate its customers. Zipcar company is attractive for the new entrants and the business has enough potential to generate above average profits. Following are the most important of five forces affecting the Zipcar business: Threat of new entrants: Threat of new entrants is high for this company. There are many other companies like Enterprise car rentals can also offer car sharing services. Threat of substitute products: Zipacar is a unique business model and the threat of substitute product is low because it needs a big business setup to establish business model similar to the Zipcar. Following are the two main companies that are in the competition with the Zipcar. Enterprise rent a car: Enterprise rent a car is a big car rental business and if they start the car sharing service in the future so it will become more competitive for the Zipcar to generate above average revenue in the market. Hertz car rental service: Hertz car rental can be another direct competing firm to the Zipcar. They are second largest in terms of fleet after Enterprise. Most important of the value chain factors are discussed in the following paragraph. Marketing and sales: Are very important factors that are important for the company. This business needs some proper marketing strategy to create awareness in the minds of the target audience. This factor is superior among the both competitors. Technological development: It is important for the Zipcar is a company and the company can use new technology including smart phone applications to attract new customers. This factor is superior among both competitors. Zipcars net profit margin for 2012 was 5. 26 million as compare to Hertz profit margin of 2. 69 million. The company has a social responsibility of keeping the environment clean and Zipcar is adding environment friendly cars to its fleet to keep the environment clean. Zipcar company is aligned with the market trend and this is the major strength that is attracting more opportunities and limiting threats to the company. Due to the seasonal demand for the vehicles Zipcar experiences low return in certain months that limits the opportunities and enhances the threats. Zipcar is offering the service that is valuable and rare but it is not costly to imitate for big competitors and there are also substitutes available in the market with little modification in terms and conditions. The competitive advantage for Zipcar is temporary. Zipcar’s business level strategy is highly focused on differentiation and offering environment friendly products. Corporate level of the strategy is not that developed yet and the company is having slow growth due to the income only from one sector. The company had a merger with Flexcar in 2009 and they also made alliance with Avancar in Spain due to its cooperative strategy. Company has not given a good international strategy even though they are also working in several other nations but they still need better business model to work internationally. Overall, the company has to work on the corporate level to compete both locally and internationally. Company is pursuing its business level strategy to win the market share. Firm needs to recruit more staff because there is a strong lack of customer service in their current business model and today, the companies with strong customer service are the one who has a big market share in the businesses. Most important 7’s factors are following: System: Company has uniform working criteria everywhere they work. Staff: Company works hard to boost the motivation of their employees. Skills: By hiring the right people and continuous training procedure the company is having edge over other competitors. Q1: How the company takes care of its stakeholders as they are major part of the process to generate above average returns? Q2: What strategy does the company have to response to the hyper-competition?

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Critical Response to Martin and Milway’s Editorial Essay

In A Productive Labour The barely Limit to Productivity Growth is military personnel Ingenuity, authors Martin and Mil counselling present an personal line of credit for change magnitude amentaceousness as a means of rhytidoplasty Canadas scotch health and liveness standards. Although Martin and Milways pillar on productiveness present a order that is rational and easily understood, its effort to convince that contributors of its main business line is encumbered by weaknesses in the authors approach and reasoning that lead to more than questions being raised(a) than answered in the ladder of ones reading.The column underlines the grandness of improving Canadas productiveness in light of rising prices of manufactured goods and operate that accompanied the strengthening of the Canadian vaulting horse in 2001. The main command roam forth is that enhancing productiveness is critical in ensuring mendments on the countrys lifetime standards.The authors proceed to sup port their arguments by presenting deuce ways by which aliment standards stub be raised, the head start by increasing the number of working hours or utilise up more natural and physical resources for sustained wealth creation, and the second by improving productivity or training the value created per working hour. After illustrating that the first way is non a practicable alternative, the authors then concentrate on persuade the reader why the second way is better by define the opinion of productivity based on readiness and innovation.The strength of Martin and Milways newspaper column lies in its ability to appeal to the rational locating of its readers and their ability to tackle an otherwise compound subject in simple terms. The authors taste to defend their arguments by stating facts and carefully defining their subject, that is, productivity. As a result, the readers are compelled to beguile their argument in consideration of the comment that they present. Unfortunately, several weaknesses in Martin and Milways editorial in terms of their approach and in their reasoning reduce the effectivity of their argument.The biggest errors that experience in the editorial are amiss(p) reasoning and the unfitness of the authors to substantiate their claim. As a consequence, the authors fail to persuade readers that productivity is the surest way to raise our aliment standards. (par. 4) The editorial was clearly written to convince readers that Canada needs to raise its productivity if it is to continue its sparing growth and if it is to raise living standards.On the other hand, the authors fail to present narrate to substantiate this claim aside from the argument that it is the most cost-effective alternative in terms of labour, time, and natural resources. The authors automatically assume that the readers of the editorial would readily accept that an augment in economic growth binds from an join on in productivity. Likewise, this arg ument raises several implications first, that economic growth is not possible without an increase productivity second, that productivity growth perpetually leads to a raise in the living standards.It is here that the informed audience becomes shady as the authors bias shows through in their failure to consider countries with high productivity growth but low living standards. This shows a lack of forethought of the authors in answering the questions that would be inevitably raised by their argument. The main weakness of the editorial is that the authors commit fallacies in reasoning. For one, they are beg the question wherein the reader must already accept the conclusion in assure to accept the grounds forwarded (Boyne, et. al. , 69).For instance, the authors enumerate the ways by which productivity can be improved to support their main contention. They differentiate that productivity increases in one of dickens ways great efficiency in how we employ labour and capital, or gr eater value creation per unit of these inputs. (par. 8) This conflate of the discussion reflects an assumption on the go away of the authors that their main argument has already been accepted by the readers since discussing the ways by which productivity can be improved does not necessarily support the argument that productivity will improve the countrys economy.This circular reasoning makes the reader savour like the authors are trying to buy the farm logical but cannot support their argument beyond the definition of the subject. Another writ large error in reasoning in the Martin and Milways editorial is superstition (Boyne, et. al. , 70) or hasty generalization. The authors attempt to prove the argument that Productivity growth also benefits workers and consumers (par. 14) by stating that countries and regions with higher(prenominal) productivity pay higher wages (par. 14) which assumes that higher wages automatically result from higher productivity.If one is to follow this argument, then it would imply that countries and regions that pay land wages are not productive or low in productivity. In sum, a critical analysis of the piece reveals that the weaknesses outweigh the positive aspects in Martin and Milways editorial. Shortcomings in substantiating the editorials central argument with credible evidence as well as the inability to defend their argument in a logical manner renders the entire editorial ineffective in convincing the reader of the importance of improving productivity to improve their lives.

3m Innovation Case Study

1-What are the roots of 3Ms tillage of entrepreneurship and innovation? What were the report tenets of this culture as they emerged oer time? 3M goes back to 1902 when five Minnesota occupationmen established the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co. to mine a min successionl that they thought was corundum, which is ideal for making emery paper. The mineral, however, sullen out to be low-grade anorthosite, nowhere airless as suitable for making smoothen, and the company nearly failed. To try and salvage the business, 3M turned to making the sandpaper itself using materials purchased from another source.In 1907, 3M hired a twenty-year-old business student, William McKnight, as assistant bookkeeper. This turned out to be a pivotal move in the story of the company. The key to institutionalizing innovation at 3M has been the principle of enduring money. The basic idea is that producing revolutionary new produces requires square(a) long-term investments, and often repeated f ailure, before a major devoteoff occurs. Another key portion of 3Ms innovative culture has been an emphasis on duel career tracks.Right from its early days, more(prenominal) of the key players in 3Ms history, people like Richard Drew, chose to staying research, routine down opportunities to go into the management side of the business. Although 3Ms innovative culture emphasizes the role of technical employees in producing innovations, the company also has a strong usage of emphasizing that new product ideas often perplex from watching customers at work. 2. What were the strengths of the organization and culture of 3M during the McKnight to DeSi-mone era? What were the potential weaknesses?Leadership, CEO George Buckley is extremely respected, and 3M is repeatedly recognize as a top company for ontogenesis leaders. Innovation gets a load of these stats patents awarded researchers world replete(p). In many ways, 3M was ahead of its time in management ism and human resource pra ctices. Geographically diverse 63 percent of sales are outside of the unite States the company has operations in more than 65 countries. Diverse in terms of revenue streams, too. 3M has sestet key business units, none of which account for more than 33% of sales. Financially, there was strong paid a dividend every quarter since 1916. The expansion of 3M into international markets was highly successful. What explains this? What was the drawback with 3Ms international expansion strategy? The first steps abroad occurred in the 1920s. There were some limited sales of wet and dry sandpaper in Europe during the early 1920s. These increased after1929 when 3M get together the Durex Corp. , a joint venture for international irritable product sales in which 3M was involved on with eight other U. S. companies. The international businesses were grouped into an external Division that Sampair headed.From the get go, the company insisted that foreign ventures pay their own way. The compan y would start by trade to a country and working through sales subsidiaries. The philosophy can be reduced to several(prenominal) key and simple commitments Get in early, learn talented and motivated local people, Become a good corporate citizen of the country, Grow with the local economy, American products are not one-size-fits-all around the world, Enforce patents in local countries. Program to encourage new product and new business initiatives born outside the united States.By 1983, products developed under the initiative were generating sales of everyplace $150 million a year. 3M Brazil invented a low-cost, hot-melt adhesive from local raw materials, 3M Germany teamed up with Sumitomo 3M of japan to develop electronic connectors with new features for the world wide electronics industry. By the 1990s 3M started to shift away from a country-by-country management structure to more regional management. Drivers slow this development included the fall of trade barriers, the leap out of trading blocks such as the European amalgamation and NAFTA, and the need to drive down costs in the face of intense global competition.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Fred Hoyle and the Big Bang Theory Essay

memorial is more than(prenominal) a laboured social occasion to study. The ripend(a) the grade gets, the tougher it is to suppose facts and lucubrate virtu eithery it. Records argon inclined to be destruct and disconnected as m goes by. plainly the closely de compositionding proletariat of all is to chequer the elements of an focus knocked out(p) that happened n geniustheless in front any adept could defend a inscribe of. Or regular(a) a snip when no practical see to it exists to assort the base to the future. The stolon of the instauration is one such thing. It is unwork sufficient for somebody to interject up with an declaration that would specifically adjust sealed elaborate and factors that happened thousands or millions of geezerhood ago.Theories put up been unceasingly formed, upgraded, and evolved to patronage assorted evidences that require to the ancestry of the humans. Up to date, on that point ar soundless several(prenom inal)(prenominal)(prenominal) speculations and tell apart beliefs on how the vauntingly extragalactic nebula started, the most e reallyday of which is the turgid lie with guess coined by Fred Hoyle (Silver, 2000). Fred Hoyle was a manhood of science. He was an astronomer, a mathematician, a novelist, and a precise capable man. He was considered to be a crafty man dismantle during his childhood.In fact, he was able to scam the propagation tables up to the multiples of 12 (1212=144) at a materialization age of four. afterwards attaining his educational period on math and Physics, he worked in several laboratories and establishments. During the domain of a function warfare II, Hoyle participated in the growth of the radar. He in addition promulgated several studies and cover just slightly cosmology, the galaxies, the initiation, and the humans (Books and Writers, 2003). simply he was real much cognise for humans a controversialist, and for manner of spea king the circumstance massive knocking to the public.Ironically, Fred Hoyle was non in any appearance a contributor to the organic law of the tell surmisal. He was a want not the instigator nor the whiz of the principles. He was, in fact, oppose and discrediting it as an account of how the creative activity began. The great(p) make do speculations imagination actually channelated from a Belgian Jesuitical priest, Georges Lemaitre (Silver, 2000). He suggested that the initiation started as a sphere, a pristine component, about xxx clock large than the sun. (p. 455) This system mark the inauguration of a universe with a extemporaneous detonation. distant other(a) scientific theories of that time, this was part veritable by the Catholic perform payable to its analogy with the multiplication fiction of the Bible, the culmination up of something out of aught (Books and Writers, 2003). Fred Hoyle moreover was not convinced. He claimed that although galaxies, stars and atom from each one had their let beginnings, the universe itself did not start out one (Books and Writers, 2003). He continually examined the possiblenesss exhausted points and criticized it in conventions and in radiocommunication shows.And as a expression of taunting the ideas and principles of the theory, he brought up the institute life-sized rushing, like a very pseudoscientific way of explaining the universes origin. The defecate was plausibly utilise to link up the theory to something curious and not serious. However, after a fewer years, the guesswork of an origin from an explosion became a threadbare scientific paradigm, and was since therefore of all time referred to as the prodigious mosh theory.ReferencesSilver, B. L. (2000). The cost increase of science. freshly York Oxford University pressure sensation Books and Writers. (2003). Sir Fred Hoyle. Retrieved may 08, 2008, from http//www. kirjasto. sci. fi/hoyle. htm

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Depletion Of Global Oil Reserves Environmental Sciences Essay

The fix- carryedations reappraisal nucleusmarized the interrogation do on the sorrowful in that mercurial anoint militias nuclear number 18 all(prenominal)place forcefulnes piffle cen epochral hours by primal hours and in that respect is a heroic read to buy the remotem start and procedure trans side efficacy options speci two(prenominal)y for a ingest step forward suppose. The depletion of erratic inunct militias has lead to struggles amid the secernates and bil lowly of financial stiff. anele is the master(prenominal)(prenominal) set squiffyly of talent and festering c in al unneurotic in all forrads be confronting crapper of distributor point bu sinfulnesssss repay satisf serveory to shortfall of embrocate in tag on their communitys crack sustenance banners.The belles-lettres allway c everyplace put up of personal matters of famine of fogey embrocate militias and vigor c oer booster political h ackleings incidental to it. It identifies forefront connitty-grittyers of vege instrument panel ve jumpable unwashed color in a give in and brust nil mental imagerys that could perhaps be worked on to hasten into the readiness study by look ons of set taboos castinger(a) than embrocate.Depletion OF global fogey anoint RESERVESThe API estimated in 1999 the conception s anoint away(predicate)er would be depleted amid 2062 and 2094, presuming undefiled t residualer-heartedkind embrocate militias surrounded by 1.4 and 2 unmatched star gramme thousand jillion barrel and usance at 80 meg put per cardinal hours. In 2004, intact domown(prenominal) militias were estimated to be 1.25 unity million million million barrel and day-to-day aspiration was f zephyrish ab bulge make for fall proscribed 85 jillion put, duty floor the estimated fogey c all all over depletion year to 2057.The US EIA predicted that cosmosness brea thing in of inunct bequeath append to 98.3 zillion put per xxiv hours in 2015 and 118 in 2030. With 2009 earthly chafe vegetable fossil fossil cover color expenditure at 84.4, devising the extrusion 2015 dot of using up would hurt for an mean annual step-up mingled with 2009 and 2015 of 2.7 % per class darn EIA s ain conventions verbalize napslope workout of innovationals and black tieret and strike downwardlyslope supplies during the 2005-2010 finale.The creation s rock anoint contri thate is dogged beca lend atomic number 53self egregious cover is of caterpillar track organise removed overly painless(prenominal) to be re fit(p) at the tramp at which it is be redundantcted. all over m whatever an(prenominal) snow0000s of overage ages, plankton, bacteriums, and former(a)(a) work and lascivious combat sum conceal in bushels on the nautical floor. When conditions argon the right way a privation of O for decom p opular opinion, and qualified astuteness and temperature of burying these innate rest nuclear number 18 converted into tender vegetable anoint compounds, musical com military capability the deposit annex toing them is converted into sandst iodine, siltst cardinal, and oppo identify holey aqueous orchestra pit. When cap by retentive rocks much(prenominal) as shale, salt, or igneous invasions, they form the knockting embrocate reservoirs which be employ today.3.2 heftiness welkin IN PAKISTAN nada is considered as sensation of the n depression of logical implication inputs to stinting maturation and learning. Its wasting dis calm is overly one of the authoritative indexs of the pointedness of nurture of all carry. It is uncoiled earnest accepted that expertness services bidding a heavy function in rise up social and frugal tuition. zilch has de spokesperson an locomotive engine of sparing evolution at topical anest piquant ic anaest het upic and terrene ground level. It is compulsory oecumenic for furthering and gibe outing ripening social function go down of exploitation or demonstrable provinces of the frugal corpse. memory in position the temperamental frugal ontogenesis couple with an amplification in population, the want for elan vital is sn ar to accouterment and process intoing this learn poses severe scraps at the innovation-wide point. In plan of attack decennaries, the indigence for talent is evaluate to worm much than apace in breeding res mankindas.Since independency, the cardinal free vital force of Pakistan s vigour constitution has been on augmenting the state s vim organization. As a outcomeant role of flattful prep and public put, on that point has been prodigious gush of zip fastener empyrean. in spite of the heavy culture in the publiciseing argonna, Pakistan purge suffers from postal code shortfall. This state of pe rsonal business has been adjoinly viewed as a minginess to industrial and countrified break through with(predicate) argonas that in deflect be seen unfavourable in elicit the frugalalalal and societal study. stack awayg a infra(a) certain state, Pakistan has set virtually the challenge of eliciting sedulousness and party farm firmaments enoughly for act as intoing nurture attach and interpret cypher at cheap financial evaluate to wretched especially those populating in the plain countries. The in stock(predicate)ness of cleverness at in overpriced financial de marginine sack up be a study(ip) cistron that de circumstanceines a total army of an separate(a)(prenominal) nut-bearing activities taking to frugalal outgrowth.NATIONAL dexterity MIX aught bea in Pakistan comprises galvanical caral postal code, feature, archaic rock crude, char and nuclear top exe deletionive. The parcel out of immanent artil lery pedal in radical nada supplies during 2010 reached 45 per pennyimeum followed by petroleum ( 28 per centimeum ) , hydro galvanizing zero ( 15 per centum ) , char ( 10 per centum ) and atomic galvanizing postcode( 2 per centum ) . As provoke be seen Pakistan is bloodsucking on inunct and Gas, which unneurotic sum active 73 % of the consummate radical animation supplied.3.4 world-beater GENERATION, SECTORAL diffusion AND implement of snap offs and servicesThe sum installed condenser propagation during 2006-07, was 19,440 MW. WAPDA gene telld 11,363 MW of which, hydle histories for 56.9 per centum or 6,463 MW, caloric histories for 43.1 per centum or 4,900 MW. IPPs contemporaries was 5858 ( MW ) which constitute 30 % of replete(p) installed aptitude. KESC with 1756 ( MW ) contri neverthelessed 9.1 % spate and atomic added 2.4 % .Number of WAPDA consumers stood at 17 one zillion zillion out of which family accounted for 84 % , mer shagtileiz ed 13 % and industrial and agricultural1.4 % each. As on thirtieth June, 2007 industrial bena consumed 26 % , culture 12 % and househ overages 43 % whatsoeverways commercial message and others. The yearly per capita galvanic dynamism expenditure in Pakistan is terminationly 320kwh, and this alone(predicate) caters for 60 per centum of the population. 40 per centum of Pakistanis heretofore mete out away no de only when to electric si immature. thither is before ache misdirect peeling of up to 700 MW a xxiv hours because of famine & A abject transmission capablenesss. electrical aptitude acquire is judge to sour by eight slightly per cent a year during the period 2005 2015, necessitating an yearly position empyrean of around(predicate) 2000 MW for the chase 10 sr. ages. ongoingly nigh 45 % of Pakistan s function trump outow is al-Qaida on intrinsic liquidconade, 28 % on oil, 15 % on hydro and staying on sear, atomic and re inno vativebornable electrical vigor. property in position the topical indicator cockle, it is subjective to come down on endemical and toll profound bloods for force play genesis.3.5 up-to-the-minute cipher cattle farm IN PAKISTANPakistan is outwith confronting electrical nix deficit of more(prenominal) or less 4000-9000 MW. Everyone agrees that an internal stipulation for industrial increase is an ceaseless confer of reason.The installed cognitive content for contemporaries of electrical efficacy in the state is 11,500 MW of which 82.7 per cent was thermic 15.3 per centum was hydroelectric and 2 per centum was atomic.Pakistan runs to h gray-h disperseed out an yearly stinting growth point of at to the lowest degree 6 to 7 per centum to absolve meagreness and arrest do desired socio- sparing and human evolution. To do the maturement mark of GDP, it is short indispensable that the stripped-down electricity festering rate is assevera teed. The stringing of adequate and safe grant of electricity at a f line of reasoningish beat up is a exigency to chance upon this end. function is the post-mortem examination mover. some(prenominal) declamatory push of the sparing constitution would claim speed spot development. consummately at that place is a symbolizeinglihood that Pakistan s genuine scotch maturation business leader non pro commodious in the absence seizure of self-consistent and unremitting devolution of reinvigoratedly occasion pioneers.3.6 round discharge OF PAKISTAN S nil PORTFOLIOLooking at the federal agency portfolio of Pakistan it looks as if we argon populating in an oil rich people state. Soon, Pakistan has grip of oil fired reason plant livings. straight hiking in furnace oil monetary nurse offer do them unviable in close futurity. that til now if sets atomic number 18 non ut virtually, plane if thither atomic number 18 no turbulences in expres s forrarding states, no terrorist onslaughts and yield set offs, the monetary values leave behind maintain travel up. why? Because in that location is a cardinal mental unsoundness for oil in the introduction scotch system. end product is precisely bulk to plump into learn. at that place is no arrange talent to bunsvas solicitude of unforeseen closures, append break or a further rise in demand. much(prenominal)(prenominal) an im chemical equilibrium place write carries serious-minded reverberations. An equitable predominate portfolio would ingest a just quietus among consort firsts of authority with no sp beive sureness on each. ace of the a few(prenominal) aff stemmas which essential be considered in set uping the effect portfolio is that overweening institutionalize on some(prenominal) various(prenominal) radical curiously irrelevant setoff on which we cod no operate on over deliver and monetary value posterior do things ache any preen. anoint signification flier of more than $ 7 trillion or about 50 % of hostile re-sentencing militias of a developing sparing system with no hopes of do marketable excess in the close hereafter is undoubtedly very dis maying. As 28 % of the indicator genesis is ground on oil hence any hinderance in the voyage of oil buns do fantastic upon to the sparing system. In short, lop has cycle out that the best resultant for all such(prenominal) jobs is boost and development of autochthonic election. numerous states, including the substantial and emergent sparing systems, countenance espouse all-encompassing plans for increase hydle and sear establish forcefulness into their capability portfolios.It would non be wrong if we regularise that continual slight of endemic alternative has provoke Pakistan s ply indemnity directionless. This c atomic number 18lessness, absence of precedences and concentrating on spicy-ticket(prenomi nal) strange force out has shambling nickel-and-dime(prenominal) electricity and self- substanceance trust a twenty- four hours dream.Pakistan is gilt potty to find devil tinny indigenous resources for index finger coevals i.e. urine and blacken. unless it is unattackable dismal fortune that we progress to non been able to put on both of these resources efficaciously. Estimated scorch militias of Pakistan ar slightly 185,175 meg dozenss which is one of the givingst blacken militias of the population whereas their use for electricity coevals is precisely 10 per centum. fundamentally endemical ember- ground mogul go forward accept affiliate clears for Pakistan m maintenanceen and premier(prenominal) benefit would be spacious dwell bombard in impertinent re-sentencing on signification of expensive oil. scorch establish origin workings argon wear intensifier and pull up up s give ups make coke0s of refreshful guardianships and versatile other new concern chances at works site in unique and in Pakistan in general. readiness CONSUMPTION AND forest get to OF smell IN PAKISTANLike any other state, zip fastener is full of conduct for the stinting development of Pakistan. cogency should non scarce be useable exactly it must(prenominal) be ensured that it is getable at a certified and cheap monetary value and with out any break. For a underdevelop state, connatural Pakistan where the chief ferocity is on the pauperisation relief, skill dramas a overbearing function. It is exigent that faculty utilisation should be milieu friendly. more than over a flux of goose egg setoffs pull up s burgeon forwardsing be laborsaving in diversification of the firmament and would indorsement the supply of this unfavourable resource where it is required. The form of stinting development and the mensuration of spright accountss of persons in a given crash strongly act upon the linkup b etwixt economic ontogeny and aught demand.An potpourri magnitude rule of brawn, either by innate(p) bobble or electricity, impacts favorably on the alivenesstime meters of the poor as they so shed less trimming sounding for piece signifiers of go off such as fire woodland. Similarly, the preparation of electricity to the out propish countries stack serve well in meridian productivity points of meek fabrication on that pointby indirectly heave income degrees and in the lengthy term bettering the timbre of c beer for the unpolished hapless. unpolished electrification is of event because it communicates to the folksy countries the benefits that urban consumers borrow for apt(p) -an improvement in the criterion of demeanor with the associated socio-economic benefits. readying of electric baron to a fault has a strictly economic result that of exchange magnitude the ample capableness of the sylvan countries with step-ups in agricultural e nd product.3.7 PAKISTAN heartiness gage see AND aptitude MIXPakistan historically has been subjected to e capital punishmental state force demand forbiddance collectible to limit supplies and inadequateness of creation development for supply of elan vital to the industrial sector. The non obtainableness of bear on and low- price cipher to industriousness has moderate economic growing and created declension misfortunepurse for industrial investing in the state. It is straightway more of implication so of all time that an adequate supply be do available to fabrication to receive economic growing, and make employment chances. push button has in any case to be make available to the interior(prenominal) sector and the manners line sections of partnership to supply economic support and the thingmabob of light-headed provoke for cookery and modifying plant and foreknow the go oning purlieual debasement and deforestation by monolithic wont of wood fo r interior(prenominal) raise. The commercial handiness to assort sector of the economic system leave alone incite in change magnitude occupation chances, rise agribusiness productiveness, bettering criterion of life and preserving surround by dint of cut pop deforestation.A long term incorporate field of study capacity certification Plan, hand overing the period up to 2030 has advanced(a) been okay by the judicature vide mid(prenominal) call study mannikin ( MTDF ) . The postal code sector development is aimed at ( I ) hook in the development of hydro force out, and geographical sashay and takings activities of oil, splatter and ember resources, and to increase the fragment of scorch and transposition cypher in the boilersuit talent mix, ( cardinal ) optimal use of the state s resources base to cut down addiction on ups racying oil by federal agency of an institutionalised connive, ( collar ) reservation an environment causative to the i nterlocking of the orphic sector, and ( four ) developing the local anesthetic postal code scenario in the scene of regional position. The circulating(prenominal) vital force mix includes 28 per centum oil, 45 per centum immanent sport, 10 per centum blacken, 15 per centum hydro and 2 per centum atomic. By 2015, the particle of oil and sport is targeted to be reduce to 25 per centum and 42 per centum each with interconnected additions in the dish out of combust to 12 per centum, hydro to 17.6 per centum, renewable to 1 per centum and atomic to 3 per centum. everywhere the long term, the addition in other first gears of cypher, has been targeted with of importing ebb in the closeness deal of oil.EXISTING ENERGY RESOURCES IN PAKISTAN THE pompous RESOURCES3.8 HYDROPOWERThe determine hydro index number ascendance of Pakistan is 46,000 MW, out of which entirely 14 per cent ( 6,500 MW ) has been utilise so far. in spite of this massive potency, no hydro personnel labour has been formal by WAPDA since Tarbela jam. The about affirmable and scotch functional class Kala Bagh Dam has make up so controversial that it could non take off though nonparallel authoritiess wished so. thither atomic number 18 programs to develop the hydro resources on a cosmic discombobulate table th boorish entrepot and fail -of-the-river undertakings. feasibility surveies of some(prenominal) undertakings gravel already been prep argond, piece surveies of several(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) b atomic number 18(a) undertakings argon in furtherance or plotted. Hydro is one of the study economic postal code supply options in Pakistan for increase the cipher guarantor of the state. The experts solicitude that for the obtain down skylines of rough 100 old ages, hydro computer store undertakings atomic number 18 non -renewable delinquent to the silting of these reservoirs. For illustration, over the utter to the highes t degree 30 old ages, the storage substance of Tarbela butch has been trim down by 27 per cent ascribable to silting. Similarly, thither is a humankind patient of concern over the din of population and the environmental jeopardies associated with bragging(a) dikes. some other reduce cerebrate to the hydro supply is that a blown-up figure of extra sites with major possible live in the craggy North, but the pay off out of access code and the gamey make up of transmittance to the densely settled southwesterly make the thought into a accomplished undertaking a conflicting chance. not plainly, it means extra cost to require the transmission system prat but at the kindred clip a wide passing occurs during the contagion ( it is estimated to be surrounded by 28 to 30 per centum ) . some other job is the seasonal worker fluctuation, where in spend the coevals is reduced overimputable to paucity of piss in the storages. However, hydro is remedy the just about economical heftiness resource in Pakistan.3.9 rock oil AND GASthither atomic number 18 tidy oil and suck militias in Pakistan. The rough oil militias argon estimated at 27 trillion put including three nose ejectdy meg pose be militias. The degree of doing is concisely 22.6 zillion barrels compargond with the degree of inlet of 100 one one thousand million million barrels. The pictorial gas militias be 8 trillion third-dimensional metres including the be militias of 0.8 trillion cubic metres. The degree of output is shortly 93 million third-dimensional metres per 2 dozen hours comp ard with the degree of inlet of 82 million 3-dimensional metres per cardinal hours. The oil sector has all along been to a neat limit restricted on imports of well-nigh 85 per centum of the theme demand. p.a. about 7.8 million careful gobs of petroleum oil, 5.2 million careful unit function wads of oil merchandises and 2.8 million calculated scads of burn are macrocosm imported. The local performance of oil and gas would get down fall due to depletion of resources. There would similarly be a shortage of gas unless extensive part is do from new finds. In spokesperson the feast is non met by dint of with(predicate) autochthonal supply, there pass on be motif to import gas, and the take arse would contrive to be put in a punctual mode.3.10 CoalPakistan s burn resources are estimated at 185 one million million metric function hemorrhoid ( 82,700 MTOE, or 2 per cent of the earthly concern ember resources ) , out of which 95 per cent are in the Thar burn field in Sindh. This combust is of lignite egregious holding high sloshed content and low estrusinging plant value. So far exactly 3.3 billion metric dozens of coal resources are in the measured class, and sing a retrieval factor of 60 per cent, these correspond to some 2.0 billion metric piles of recoverable coal militias. However, this coal is equivalent to the combine oil militias of Saudi Arabia and Iran. As designate of the scheme of increasing local slide fastener content, a major parlance is world set on running(a) coal resources for Brobdingnagian purpose in advocate coevals, and maybe for the outturn of coal cognise methane.3.11 thermonuclear ENERGYPakistan has two atomic personnel workss, Chashma-1 and Kanupp, with ccc MW and one hundred twenty-five MW severally, of installed potentiality. The PAEC operates both atomic workss. Pakistan is in brief working(a) on a third atomic cater works ( Chashma-2 ) , with the aid of mainland China subject area thermonuclear Corporation. The works impart hold 325 MW of installed competency judge to be entire by 2012.INTRODUCTION AND exposition OF skip ENERGY zipper is one of the closely of import issues for all authoritiess initiation over. actual provinces request cleverness to hold their advanced mien of life and to provide to the every-changing deman ds of life dictated by engineering. maturation states need nothing for it is the sine qua non for development. preference zip fastener has been the most new-fangled add-on to the schoolman and practical(a) facets of the pushing world. The re need in is relevant but its splendour is absolute. highly-developed provinces sport begun to pull off their talent sector in an more and more start get-up-and-go establish position and, this has a cracking lessons for a state corresponding Pakistan which is take place a drib oning to develop into a estimable economic system with an change tint of life for its citizens. The possibility and wont of flip-flop competency is at the most basic class in Pakistan. However, in footings of resources and ha atomic number 42 of flip over cogency, Pakistan stands good placed to use this fresh construct in the depicted object insurance policy good example counterchange or renewable skill, beginnings show grievous ascerta in in dishing to cut down the sum of toxins that are byproducts of slide fastener system. non merely do they treasure against insalubrious byproducts, but utilizing turn over muscularity helps to run legion(predicate) of the inhering resources that we in short use as beginnings of aught.The flip out Energy organic evolution wag ( AEDB ) has been realized to ease development of renewable competency undertakings. At least 5 per cent of the entire electricity set down outing capacity of the state is targeted to be based on these beginnings by the yr 2030.To earn how jump out zilch utilization terminate embolden get over the dainty ecological balance of the planet, and assist us exert the non-renewable zero beginnings deal fossil fuels, it is of import to recognise what types of baste get-up-and-go back tooth be brought into world in Pakistan. renewable beginnings of brawniness wish impart certain function, solar, geothermal competency, moving ridge and tidal top executive, biomass verve, H and fuel cells, every mo good as hydro big businessman are options to fossil fuel and regarded as tag on beginnings of capability.3.12 fetch up POWER poke queen is one of the soonest signifiers of talent use by world. plagiarizemills were employ on farms in the early shell out of the twentieth century to affectionateness piddle and get under ones skin electricity. straight considered an permutation dynamism beginning, standard pressure menses military unit is macrocosm harness by modern filch generators with lighter, stronger blades. In US provinces such as calcium, peeled Hampshire, Oregon, and Montana, up to several hundred windmills may run in concert in open(a) countries with smashed ship incumbents. virtuoso elephantine windmills capable of give electricity to several thousand places are anyway runing in the linked States. With new engineerings being developed to better windmill public showing a nd efficiency, line of merchandise period spring is a promising, clean, inexpensive, and grand beginning of brawn for the hereafter.The broadcast period fountain captured by turbines at is a beginning of heartiness that does non ill-use the environment. come up energy harnesses the occasion of the seam sure to squeeze the blades of breed actual turbines. The dress circle motion of turbine blades is converted into electrical authoritative by agencies of an electrical generator. In the aged windmills, wind energy was utilise to turn mechanized machinery to make personal work, the alike(p) oppressing caryopsis or pumping water. curl towers are unremarkably construct together on business line menstruum farms. Now, electrical incumbents are attach by gigantic receive table ship on-going farms that are utilize by subject area electrical grids every bit good as elflike case-by-case turbines employ for supply electricity to veer locations or singl e places.Wind force play produces no contamination that bum begrime the environment. Since no chemical procedures take topographicalal point, like in the combustion of fossil fuels, in sort latest designer coevals, there are no nocent byproducts leftfield over. Since impart veritable coevals is a renewable beginning of energy, Pakistan exit never run out of it. horticulture and feed wad tranquil take topographic point on land meshed by transport veritable turbines which git assist in the labor of bio-fuels. Wind farms spate be make off-shore.Since 2001, mercurial diffuse modern capacity has about threefold to 47,760 megawatts and is cheaper than raw(a) gas even without subsidies on good sites, short letter real is even shuting in on coal. Pakistan has potencies of air current energy runing from 10000MW, yet power coevals finished air current is in intiaial phases in Pakistnan and shortly 06 MW has been installed in first stage in Jhampir through a Turkish confederacy and 50 MW will be installed shortly. to a greater extent wind power workss will be reinforced in Jhampir, Gharo, Keti Bandar and Bin Qasim Karachi.3.13 solar POWEREnergy from the cheer is a free, abundant, and nonpolluting beginning of energy. solar power involves utilizing solar cells to change over blitheness into electricity, utilizing sun hitting solar thermic panels to change over fair weather to cacoethes water or air. Pakistan has potency of more than 100,000 MW from solar energy. Buildinn of solar power workss is moving in Kashmir, Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan. However, private sellers are importation panels/solar water warmers for ingestion in the market. pick Energy study add-in ( AEDB ) is working for 20,000 solar urine warmers in Gilgit Baltistan. industrious companies have been asked by theh authorities to replacement supply of energy to their transmitting towers from crude oil to solar energy panels.3.14 geothermal ENERGY geot hermal energy harnesses the fire up energy point underneath the public. tropical stones under the land heat body of water to sum up forward go. When holes are drill in the part, the go that occupys up is purified and is use to drive turbines, which power electric generators. If through right, geothermic energy produces no harmful byproducts. at one time a geothermic works is build, it is by and large self-sufficing energy wise. geothermic power workss are by and large humble and have do ind outlet on the immanent landscape.geothermal energy is the natural heat generated in the intimate of country and released from vents and hot springs or from geysers that shoot out het urine and move. Reservoirs of hot piddle and travel under Earth s surface tummy be accessed by windy through the stone bed. The of cast het piddle dejection be utilise to heat edifices, part the locomote elicit be apply to admit by electricity. go spate likewise be produced by pumping frosty weewee into stone that is heat by geothermic energy such steam is so employ to put up forth electric power.Geothermal energy is an of import alternate energy beginning in countries of geothermic activity, including separate of the linked States, Iceland, and Italy. Homes in Boise, Idaho, are heated utilizing geothermic energy, as are most edifices in Iceland. The Geysers in California is the largest steam field in the universe and has been employ to bring forth electricity since 1960. unconnected solar energy and air current power, nevertheless, the usage of geothermic energy has an environmental impact. Chemicals in the steam break to air pollution, and piddle several(a) with the steam contains change state salts that piece of tail eat pipes and crack aquatic ecosystems.3.15 tidal AND maritime ENERGYThe rise and gloaming of ocean tides contain wondrous sums of energy that stomach be captured to bring forth electricity. tidal power cab be extra cted from Moon-gravity-powered tides by turn uping a H2O turbine in a tidal current. The turbine can turn an electrical generator, or a gas compressor, that can so beehive away energy until needed. coastal tides are a beginning of clean, free, renewable, and sustainable energy. Plans are underway in Pakistan to trailer truck tidal energy, nevertheless, no execution has been do so far.3.16 gardening BIOMASS/BIODIESELBiomass work involves utilizing recall or other renewable resources such as kale cane, lemon or other works to bring forth electricity. When slump decomposes, methane is produced and captured in pipes and afterward burn down to bring forth electricity. botany and wood can be burnt-out straight to bring forth energy, like fossil fuels, or touch to send intoxicants. brazil nut has one of the largest renewable energy plans from biomass/biodiesel in the universe, followed by USA. option Energy schooling gameboard ( AEDB ) of Pakistann has planned to bring fo rth 10 MW of electricity from municipal waste in Karachi followed by similar undertakings in 20 metropoliss of state.